
Ms. Stettnichs' Class Blog: HERE

Magnetic Poetry Assignment:

1. You and your partner click on the picture above to visit the Magnetic Poetry site. Drag words to the center to create a sentence, poem, or story.

2. When you're done, capture (command + shift + 4) your completed work. 

3. Log in to KidBlog, create a new post, and upload your captured image of your work. Then you can submit your post and comment on others.

4. If you have time, write a new post entitled TOP TEN LIST. Create a numbered list with 10 tips that you have for the incoming students on how to succeed in 3rd grade. 

For example....
1. Sharpen your pencils before 8:25. Mr. Knips doesn't like the pencil sharpener disrupting class during the day.
2. Do IXL on Monday nights so you can earn an extra fry!
3. ...