Friday, November 9, 2012

Freedom Giving Tree

The Freedom Student Council is sponsoring a Giving Tree. The tree is placed in the Freedom office and will be out in the commons during conferences. If you are interested in giving toward this project, please stop by the tree and take an ornament off the tree in which you would like to donate.  Items need to be new and in their original package. Please do not gift-wrap any item but you may donate gift-wrap as well. If you would like to recommend a family who would benefit from this project or feel your students are in higher need please contact Andrea Junker, Freedom School Counselor.  Donations will be accepted in the office until December 17th. Thank you for your continued support!

In conjunction with the Giving Tree, each grade level will be sponsoring their own project of giving. The student council will be delivering the donated items to our Local Food Bank/ Local Charities/ Local Families. There will be boxes with the different grade levels marked on them placed in the foyer for the students wishing to participate.

Kindergarten - Macaroni & Cheese/Spaghettios/Ravioli

1st Grade - Canned Goods

2nd Grade - Toilet paper, Tissues, Napkins/Paper Towels

3rd Grade - Body wash or Soap/Body Lotion/Deodorant

4th Grade - Toothpaste/Toothbrush/Mouthwash

5th Grade - Shampoo/Conditioner/Hair-Gel/Hair Spray