Monday, March 18, 2013

Math Boot Camp

I know it may seem hard to believe, but it's this point in the year that we start reviewing for the upcoming Dakota STEP test. Starting in 3rd grade, students across the state will take standardized tests in reading and math in early April. 

As you're all aware, we switched to a new math curriculum this year. This program is much more hands on and inquiry-based, meaning our day to day math does not necessary look like a standardized test. Therefore, I think it's important for students to review some of the math material that we've covered  in a format that will be similar to the upcoming Dakota STEP test. I sifted through the 3rd grade skills on IXL and pulled a few that would be great review.

TASK: For the next three weeks, I'd like students to log on to IXL at home and practice some of the skills below. I will send home a paper copy so students can track their progress. As an extra little incentive, I will award one classroom fry for every mastered skill :)

Student Log-In Exmple: John Doe
Username: johndoe123
Password: cub