Sunday, May 19, 2013


We've been writing to our pen pals in Windsor, CO, all year, but today we are going to use Skype to talk to them live! Mrs. Klimek's class is eager to hear from us. Please write one question for your pen pal to answer. Be creative!

Game Day!

Creating Graphs in Excel

3rd Grade - Graph Making

Today in math class, you're going to use Excel to create different graphs based on results from survey questions. Click HERE to open an Excel spreadsheet that I started for you. Then, save your graph as an  image and upload it to your blog

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Comic Creator

As we wrap up the last few days of school, I'd like you to check out a few more great sites that we haven't explored yet this year. This week you're going to have the chance to make your own comic strip using the Make Beleifs Comix creator. I'll feature a few on our blog, so when you're done, capture your image (command + shift + 4) and submit it HERE

Thursday, May 2, 2013

3K Skit

3K Skit

Last week two students wrote a short story at home entitled, "Lauren Fell into a Hole." The story revolves around two cat doctors and their rescue of a baby hamster mouse who fell into a hole. The two authors found some willing actors, rehearsed, and then preformed their original skit during recess. I'm impressed with the creativity of these 3rd graders! I was told that there will be more skits to come...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Solar System Resources

In science this week we're going to be doing a research project on the Solar System. Check out some of the sites below to find information on your topic. In class we'll talk about citing our sources to avoid plagiarism. 


You can also watch videos on each planet at the site below:

Please download your PowerPoint template HERE.

When you're done with your planet PowerPoint, upload it to my DropBox account below:

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tree Planting

Several members of the Sioux Falls Izaak Walton League of America visited Freedom on Friday for a tree planting ceremony. The Izaak Walton League, a conservation group that promotes natural resource protection and outdoor recreation, donated a maple tree to replace one that was recently damaged in the ice storm. They also purchased a student dictionary for all 51 third graders!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Build Your Wild Self

Today in computer class you're going to create Your Own Wild Self. After you have finished changing yourself into an animal, capture your image (command + shift + 4) to the desktop. Then open Power Point and drag your image into a blank slide. Your task then is to write a brief story of what happened to turn you into this new creature. You can change the font and background of your slide too. See my example below.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

ShowMe Your Thinking!

I'm sure I sound like a broken record during math class this year as I repeat over and over the importance of showing your work. Our new math curriculum has students delving deeper by explaining  their mathematical thinking. Students in 3K and 3S used the ShowMe app to record their problem solving for two addition problems today. Kids then watched other videos to see how the same problem was solved. You can see by the few examples below that there are a number of ways to approach a problem.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Math Review

Today in class we're going to review some of the math concepts that we covered earlier in the year. Please use your laptop to view the videos below. When you're done, I have a worksheet that I'd like you to complete that covers these same topics. During this time I will also be calling groups to the back table for mini-lessons.  



Thursday, April 11, 2013

Snow Day Activities

Snow Day (Week) Activities 
If you're like me, I bet you're starting to get a little bored at home with our 4th snow day in a row. I know you can't wait to get back to school on Monday and get right back in the swing of things! In the meantime, I have a couple of assignments you could do for fun if you need something to do.

1. Create a 30-second Animoto about our recent ice/snow storm. You can take pictures in your neighborhood or download some from a search engine on the internet. I just typed in "Sioux Falls Ice Storm" and I got hundreds of pictures. Check out my Animoto below for an example. I sent Mom and Dad the username and password if you forgot. 

2. Write a new post on your KidBlog entitled - School Rule Change. The principal and teachers make a lot of school rules. Some are to keep you safe, while others help make sure that our day runs smoothly. If you could change one school rule, what would it be? Why do you want to change it? Make sure to write in complete sentences. You can add a picture or change the font if you'd like. 

3. Invite your classmates to collaborate on a Storybird. You can pick the topic and your friend! Publish your Storybird under the assignment titled "Snow Day Story". 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

3K Commercial

Earlier in the week a few students in 3K asked if they could create a commercial using the iPad. The group wrote a script, rehearsed, and filmed this short doughnut commercial during recess. I think we've got some pretty talented actors and actresses!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Earth's Layers

Layers of the Earth

In our previous science and social studies units, students in 3K talked about the landforms and water above ground. Now we're exploring Planet Earth below the surface. After learning about the different layers of the Earth, kids used play dough to model the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. Then, they used markers to draw the different tectonic plates on the crust. 

A big thank you goes out to all those who made and brought in the play dough for our project! 

Each group started with the four different layers of the Earth
Students rolled the inner core into a ball and then wrapped it with the red outer core
Another group wrapping the outer core around the inner core
Then, students rolled out the orange mantle and blue crust
Finally, the outer crust was wrapped around the mantle
The 12 major plates were also drawn on the crust
And there you have it, the finished product!
Another group showing off their Earth 

The plates on the the Earth's crust are responsible for many natural disasters. Pick one of the disasters we covered in class (earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis) and explain in detail how it happens in the comment section below. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Math Boot Camp

I know it may seem hard to believe, but it's this point in the year that we start reviewing for the upcoming Dakota STEP test. Starting in 3rd grade, students across the state will take standardized tests in reading and math in early April. 

As you're all aware, we switched to a new math curriculum this year. This program is much more hands on and inquiry-based, meaning our day to day math does not necessary look like a standardized test. Therefore, I think it's important for students to review some of the math material that we've covered  in a format that will be similar to the upcoming Dakota STEP test. I sifted through the 3rd grade skills on IXL and pulled a few that would be great review.

TASK: For the next three weeks, I'd like students to log on to IXL at home and practice some of the skills below. I will send home a paper copy so students can track their progress. As an extra little incentive, I will award one classroom fry for every mastered skill :)

Student Log-In Exmple: John Doe
Username: johndoe123
Password: cub

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Water Cycle Posters

Students in 3K just wrapped up their two-week mini-unit on the water cycle. Instead of a formal paper and pencil assessment, students worked in groups to display their understanding of the different stages (evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection) of the water cycle in a large poster. 

Group One
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Family Storybird

Below is a sample Storybird by a family a few years back. 
NOTE: Your topic does not have to be about families like this one; any topic is just fine.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

3K Candy Maps

Candy Map USA

For our culminating project in our current social studies unit, students in 3K created a physical map of the USA using different colored frosting and various sizes and colors of chocolate chips. I might be a bit biased, but I think they turned out great! Thanks again to those that chipped in to help cover the cost of supplies and to those that helped lead small groups.